Injection cooler

Type AEK-300-80-PN100

existing pipe connection
dimension steam pipe:
Inlet Ø 323.9 * 7.1 mm
Outlet Ø 323.9 * 7.1 mm

Water pipe connection
Flange DN50 PN100
Material: 16 Mo 3 (1.5416)

Design parameters:
Calculation pressure: PS= 100 bar
Calculation temperature: TS= 200 °C

The injection cooler is designed as a straight-through type. The existing steam pipe has a flange connection for the injection cooler with flange DN80 PN25. The injection cooler type AEK-300-80-PN100 is fitted directly onto this. The AAS injection cooler consists of a multi-stage water control valve with injection lance, which extends into the middle of the steam line. The injection water quantity is regulated via the directly mounted water control valve. The nozzle head is equipped with injection nozzles. The injection water enters the steam flow via the nozzles.

Electric actuator
Type DMCR 59-F10-B1-16

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