Gate valve
Type AKS-150-150-140-PN160 with body overpressure protection Type AGBS/DN15 Design pressure: 88 bar Design temperature: 510°C
Our innovation for a Norwegian test plant
Shut-off valve and double shut-off valve Type ARED-V (patent pending) DN32 Design pressure: 440 barDesign temperature: 450°C
Customer satisfaction pays off:
Re-order of a high-pressure swing check valve with minimum flow branch, last ordered in 2021 DN200 / PN500 Material: 1.5415 / 1.6368 (16Mp3/15NiCuMoNb5)
Ready for action!
Valve combination DN 175 for a northern european power plant customer – gate valve – check valve – control valve Operating overpressure (PS) 301 bar Operating temperature (TS) 436 °C Material: 15NiCuMoNb5 (1.6368)
Steam control valve with pneumatic actuator
DN 80/100 PN 100 Type ADRV-80-100-45-PN100-3 Design pressure: 55 bar Design temperature: 100°C Material: 16 Mo3 (1.5415)
Europe is calling!
This week we were able to deliver on time for a large chemical company: Wedge gate valve with pneumatic actuator (quick close) DN 4″ / 4 Class 600 Production according to ASTM Type: AKS-4″-4″-94-Class600-3 Design pressure: 90 bar Design temperature: 110°C Material: A105
4 wins!
high pressure gate valve Type AKS 300-300-280-PN100 DN 300/300 PN100 Material: 16Mo3 (1.5415) Calculation pressure: 90 bar Calculation temperature: 475°C
Special valves as its best
Valve combination DN 175 for a northern european power plant customer – gate valve – check valve – control valve Operating overpressure (PS) 301 bar Operating temperature (TS) 436 °C Material: 15NiCuMoNb5 (1.6368)
Innovation enters series production!
Body overpressure protection type AGBS / DN 15 “All-in-One”. Equipment part with safety function according to data sheet 0.4021.2707.01 Shut-off valve with additional ball through medium and integrated rupture disc Material: 13CrMo45 (1.7335) ASME A182F12 welding ends Ø 22,3 x 12,3 mm – patent pending –
A full dozen!
2 pieces high pressure wedge gate valve type AKS-50-50-44-AR6 DN50 / PN320 Design data: TS 300° C/ PS 320 bar Material: 16Mo3 (1.5415) 10 pieces High pressure wedge gate valve Type AKS-80-80-74-AR6 DN80 / PN320 Design data: TS 300° C/ PS 320 bar Material: 16Mo3 (1.5415)