Patent application for an aas GmbH global debut

aas Armaturen Anlagen Service GmbH can look back on an immensely successful 2018 – and we start 2019 with the launch of a global debut – the wear-free ARED-V valve with a straight-through design for high-pressure isolation, drainage and control valves.

This valve offers you numerous advantages:

  • • An isolation valve that is wear-free and does not lose pressure
  • • An increase in energy efficiency
  • • A significant increase in service life
  • • Greater availability of the production facility
  • • Longer maintenance intervals
  • • A substantial decrease in assembly time when replacing the valve, and much more.

The main fields of application are in conventional power plants, process engineering, boiler feed/boiler drainage, the chemical industry, the petrochemical industry, the paper industry, the sugar industry, as well as in descaling systems.

We will gladly provide you with more information at the VGB conference in Potsdam on 19 and 20 February. Visit us at our exhibition stand 19. We’re looking forward to your visit!

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Strength and leak test

Steam reduction station with downstream injection cooling systemDN 150 / 250 PN 100 flow rate 30-45 t/h Injection water control valve DN 25 / PN…

Control valves

DN 25 to DN 65 / PN 500 Material: 10CrMo910 (1.7380) calculation temperature: 540°C single-stage to three-stage
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