Steam control valve in straight form

Type ADRV300-300-140-PN100-3

Nominal size: 300/300
Total length: 880 mm
Nominal size inlet: DN300 PN100 in flange design
Nominal size outlet: DN300 PN100 in flange design
Connection and sealing strip: DIN EN 1092-1 B
Material: P250GH

Flow to medium closes, flow to close
Seat diameter: Ø140mm
Valve stroke = 80mm
Design pressures: inlet 55 bar / outlet 55 bar
Design temperatures: 300 °C
Hydrostatic pressures: inlet 150 bar / outlet 150 bar
KV (Z) max at 100% stroke: 233,44 m³/h
Leak rate IEC 60534-4- Zero Leakage
Body in straight form made from forged block

Steam reduction takes place via 4 stages. 2 stages are control stages. The 4th stage is integrated in the outlet as a silencer. The perforated basket is designed as the first control stage. The internal control cone is designed as a balanced cone. The design of the cone is a tight-closing shape. The seat is inserted in the body. The sealing inside the body is made by a graphite gasket.

The seat is pressed in via the perforated cylinder, the cover flange, the upper seal and the cover screws. The sealing of the body to the outside is made by a graphite gasket.

The sealing material used in each case is graphite 99.85%. Spindle sealing is done via rings made of graphite. All components can be dismantled with standard tools. Special tools are not required. Welding work is not required. With pneumatic actuator

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